Dear Topshop Instagram Contest – Giveaway
December 3, 2013
categories Fashion

聖誕將近,Topshop亦在這節日氣氛濃厚的十二月也為粉絲們帶來一大喜訊,由即日起至12月10日,舉行 "Dear Topshop Instagram Contest" , 大家只要將自己最喜歡的Topshop造型上載到Instagram,最緊要post之前加上hashtag #DearTopshopHKContest ,被挑選的最好四位,就有機會贏得港幣$1,000電子禮物卡! 大家快點揀選您最喜歡的Topshop造型和我分享吧!


Dear Topshop Instagram Contest


Date:  3 to 10 December, 2013


Prizes:  4 winners x EGC $1000 Giveaway Instagram Contest 


How to Win?: Style your favorite Topshop outfit and share the look on Instagram! I will pick 4 of my favorite looks, the 4 winners will receive a HK$1000 Electronic Gift Card! Simply take a picture of your look and post it on Instagram with #DearTopshopHKContest


Please visit: on how to hashtag for a chance to win




